Sunday, July 16, 2017

Zoo-Wee-Mama! Proctor Group Meetings

On Thursday I was way too tired to submit a blog, so now here's one. Haha. So tomorrow morning my class is going to synthesize gold nano-particles, which I am so excited for. This is exactly the moment I have been waiting for and now it's finally here! Yay! On top of that, I got to help image some stuff with an AFM microscope, which was super cool!
I'm doing some cool stuff with the AFM microscope.

On Thursday we had a dance and it was really fun. I had to leave about half way through because I got sort of tired and nervous being in the crowded room really long. But I ended up playing "Never Have I Ever" with a lot of fellow students. It was fun and I actually won a round, so yay!

Some high quality birds
Then on Friday we started getting to work on preparing some solutions for synthesis on Monday, which took a lot of really hard math, but I figured it out with my lab partner Bernice.

But this weekend was where it was at. On Saturday we had a short class and then we went to have a TA activity-namely playing games and eating chocolate. Then later in the day we went to go see Spider-Man and it was the best movie I had seen in a while. However, the end credits scene was very disappointing to wait for.

Today we had Panera for breakfast and then we had free time for a while before having lunch and then going to the Nashville Zoo. My favorite animals I saw there was the Hyacinth macaw. So naturally I took pictures of them.

Then tonight my proctor group had the longest proctor group meeting in the history of proctor group meetings. We spent an hour in there and we all almost died with laughter at least a dozen times, and it felt like home. Which was really really nice.

I should probably get to bed now. Night!

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