Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Vanderbilt Cohort Has Been Selected

While most of their peers were relaxing over the Christmas holiday break, the Vanderbilt applicants were working on their applications to earn one of the four scholarships to join the 2017 Vanderbilt cohort.

It started with a group of 42 applicants. 

That group had their applications reviewed and then 8 were invited to the interview phase.

Of the 8 that interviewed, only 4 were selected.

As is often the case, the competition was fierce and the rankings were very tight.  Nonetheless, the panel of Jeff Rubin, Norma Martinez-Rubin and Don Ellis selected Evan Garrison, a sophomore from El Cerrito HS; Maddie Schmidt, a sophomore from Middle College HS; Cameron Grant, a junior from El Cerrito HS; and ILC alum Joceline Perez, a junior from Middle College HS.

From here the Vanderbilt cohort prepare their applications to Vanderbilt.  Those that are selected for an ILC scholarship are selected because of their qualifications to when Vanderbilt reviews their applications, the Vanderbilt cohort members should shine and their applications should be looked upon favorably.

The ILC hopes our readers will join us in welcoming this cohort and wishing them luck.