This Monday night, all of the ILC cohorts, chaperones and parents included, gathered with Don at Pinole Middle School to give everyone a run-down on what to expect in the coming couple of months, and to give the cohorts, parents, and chaperones a chance to talk to each other about the programs we would be going to.
Madeleine Kronenberg had a few words to say to us before we began, though. I thought it was great of her to come, as I'm sure she's usually quite busy. She told us all about how the board was proud to back the ILC, and that she would even try to make a departure or two, if they weren't too early, of course. She and Don had a laugh about that one, it seems like they've joked about it in the past. That just goes to show you how connected with the board the program is, so thank you, Ms. Kronenberg, for coming out.
Everyone listening as the chaperones introduced themselves. |
Next up, Don talked at us for a little while, but it wasn't too long. He had all of the chaperones come up and introduce themselves for our parents, and tell a little about their experience. This was important, as I'm sure all of the parents want to know who their child is going to be spending a month back East with. Once all of the chaperones had spoken, the cohorts split up into groups so their specific information could be told. We got a handy sheet with the itinerary on it, but so far it's a "really rough draft" as highlighted (literally) in all caps, in big text, at the top of the paper. We'll be leaving the sixth of July and getting back the 30th. What I'm really glad about is our start time, our flight leaves at about 10:30 AM, which means we don't have to get up at 3 AM! As you can imagine, I was really happy about this because I like to get my sleep. Don also got us a great hotel location, so we're right across the street from the Vanderbilt campus, and just down the block from Centennial Park, which our cohort was all interested in seeing. Supposedly there's also a great barbecue place near the park as well, and it's Nashville! There has to be good BBQ places.
The Vanderbilt cohort reviewing information. |
We also reviewed other places to see, both in Nashville and Philadelphia. Again, our hotel is right across the street from UPenn (where we'll be visiting after the Vanderbilt program ends) and in a great location to sightsee. Don really knows what he's doing. We were able to narrow down our list of 20 things we want to see a little bit, but we'll have to go through and see what we can actually visit. Unfortunately, we can't visit everything we want to, as we don't have an infinite amount of time or money. I'm not complaining though, this trip will be awesome no matter what we see, as long as it isn't too much of the inside of a hotel room.
Edward talking to us about Vanderbilt. |
Back to the orientation, however. We talked a little while longer, and had an alumni of the Vanderbilt program, Edward Hernandez talk to us and answer our questions. He was super helpful, and I'm glad he came. After everyone had finished, we came back together for Don to go over the packing list a little bit so the parents would know what to expect. Don was also asked a couple of questions, and everyone's curiosities had been cured. After he had finished, after about a half hour, he let everyone go either look at loaner items (mostly luggage items) or go home. My family already has a bag we think will work for me, so my mom and I opted for the second option. By the end, I could tell it was an evening well spent. I know a bunch more about our trip, and my mom does too. Vanderbilt is just around the corner now!
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