Monday, June 5, 2017

The University of Pennsylvania- Some Facts

The original UPenn banner, in the flesh.
This week I’ve been doing research about the history of the University of Pennsylvania and I have found out one cool fact about the history of this school. In 1740, a preaching hall was planned to be erected. It was going to be the biggest building at the time, as well as the place for the education of poorer students. However, there were no funds until January 1751 when Franklin saw his chance to jump and construct the building for cheap. A few years later, during the American Revolution, this school, known as the College of Philadelphia, was seized. Pennsylvania transformed the college into the University of the State of Pennsylvania, which made it the first state school AND America’s first university. I did not know UPenn was the first university of America and was shocked to see this.

Just because this is the first university of America, I absolutely have to see this university now. I cannot wait to visit.

I also learned some general facts about UPenn that are quite interesting and you all might want to hear as well. First off, UPenn has about 90 majors and minors, including (but not limited to): African Studies, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Nursing, and Fine Arts. Quite an assortment to choose from! 

It doesn't have any religious affiliations. Besides that fact, however, it is in an urban setting and it follows a semester-based calendar. 

It's a private, coed university that costs about sixty-nine thousand dollars a semester. However, there are many forms of financial aid including student loans, scholarships, grants, and work study. To top it off, in 2015 it received at least 10.1 billion in endowments. This school doesn't mess around. All the more reason to be excited to see it this summer!

A beautiful school for an option to a beautiful picture.

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